Tuesday, November 15, 2016

We finally catch something

Really a good morning, though it had a few glitches. Farrah was at 850 grams, still up there,  but I took her anyway. Cisco at 940, the high end of his nominal flying weight. 

Arnold, the two hawks, and I headed west of Katy, to a place I call the SBO field. Last season I took a swamp rabbit there with Farrah. The same evening she chased a rail and a Great bittern. Today it was beautiful. There were small birds tweeting in the grass, and we flushed a swamp rabbit quickly. Farrah, unfortunately, acted like a hawk that was an ounce heavy.....  She screamed at the dog, and spent a lot of time sitting in the trees. Farrah was not following much at all. Arnold disappeared a couple of times, which was distracting. After a while, it just wasn't fun, so I called Farrah down. She jumped around in the box so I hooded her and let her ride to the woods on the car seat back.

At the woods I let  Arnold off the leash and immediately we encountered a woman with a pit bull, which Arnold of course accosted. Great. I clipped him and the three of us (including Cisco now) headed to the trees. Arnold was unclipped again and we soon encountered a squirrel. Arnold was excited and he helped today. Right across a little creek from him a squirrel was heading to the ground, trying to avoid the Red-tail. The squirrel saw the dog, ran back up the tree and Cisco grabbed it and parachuted down. Arnold is turning into a squirrel dog and loves it. This was Cisco's fourth cat squirrel, a buck. 

Two YouTube clips:

Farrah goofing off.... 

Arnold! Let's get that one too! 

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